Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why I Was Late For Work Today

Typically, I'm supposed to show up for work around 8:00 am. Now that the job newness is wearing off and I've realized a lot of people don't trickle in until closer to 9, I've been getting closer to that 8:30 mark. This is why I didn't show up until 8:30 today:

6:15 am: Alarm clock goes off, hit snooze

6:25 am: Alarm clock goes off, hit snooze again

6:35 am: Alarm clock goes off, snooze is hit again, but Reese comes in. Reese allows two snoozes, no more. If it wasn't for this dog, I would be a lot later (or earlier, who knows). She likes to put her front paws up on the bed and sniff/lick/blow snot on my face until I get up.

6:40 am: Stumble out of bed, blindly let dogs out, stumble to bathroom, blow nose for a good two minutes. I've had a cold this week and am very snotty. Let dogs back in.

6:45-6:55 am: Cook eggs for breakfast.

6:55 am: Go lay on top of Ben and say, "Human blanket, human blanket!" Tell him to get up, breakfast is ready.

7:10 am: Finally start the beautification routine for work, after downing some sudafed.

7:15 am: Look at naked Ben.

7:20 am: Play with dogs in the closet until Ben yells, "What in the world are you doing?"

7:30 am: Panic mode because I should have left the house 15 minutes ago. Run and grab last night's leftovers out of fridge and hastily throw our lunches together. Do a few other things such as put shoes on, fill up water bottle, pet the dogs again because they're just too cute, and put the laundry I forgot was in the washer in the dryer. Run and give Ben a big smooch.

7:40 am: Finally back out of driveway.

8:27 am: Make it to my desk, throw everything down and head to conference room for 8:30 meeting. Pretend I've been here since 8:00 am.

We've been trying to get up at 5 am and go to the gym. This hasn't happened this week due to my cold making me feel crappy in the morning. Usually we get back from the gym around 6:15, which should give me plenty of time to do the above routine and still make it to work by 8 am. I typically find some other way to waste time (watch Saved by the Bell, or take Reese for a walk). Last Friday I spent a good 5 minutes making Reese dance while I sang "It's Friday" by Rebecca Black to Ben while he showered. It's his most favorite song of all time and who can resist a dancing boxer?

Plus, it's hard not to take a good 10 minutes out of the morning routine to give lovins to these precious faces:


  1. Brave girl...I have also started a blog, but I am too shy to make it public yet, and crap at english of course.

    I am happy to hear that life is treating you well. Sounds like you've got the priorities right for the morning routine :O) When will I see you in England? (I will keep asking ;O)

  2. You are hilarious! I give you props for waking up at 5am to go to the gym. That thought would never EVER cross my mind - I don't care if I blew up to the size of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
