Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Like My Job......

I don’t love it.

I read this article the other day that really irritated me. It was directed at younger people entering the workforce and those who had only been in for less than 10years. There were some good pointers….like if you want people to take you seriously you shouldn’t dress like a ho-bag (you’d be surprised at how scandalous I’ve seen female co-workers dress). However, one statement put me over the edge. It stated something along the lines of, “Be willing to put in the hours if you want to get ahead. Young people these days believe that as soon as the clock hits 5:00 pm, their work day is over. You should be willing to put the time in to get the job done.”

I highly disagree with this statement. Why, you might ask? Well, because I have a fricking life outside of work. I hope that I will always have a life outside of work. I get here at 8, I leave at 5, and if I have to stay 1 minute past 5 o’clock, I start getting pissy. I have 8 hours every day for 5 days in a row to get whatever it is done. Don’t come to me at 4:30 asking me to start something else. I have zero aspirations to become head of the department or CEO of some company. If I wanted to get paid nothing to work all of the time, I’d pursue my PhD.

Right after I graduated college, I was super eager to do whatever. I thought my hard work would pay off, getting me promotions and more pay. This is what I soon discovered: 1) the effort put in doesn’t matter, your longevity matters 2) a promotion doesn’t really get you more money, just more responsibility and more dealings with the bullshit that occurs 3) in order to get promoted, there are lots of asses one must kiss.

Okay, number 3 is a little wrong depending on your boss. Luckily, after a year at my first job, I was passed on to a phenomenal lady who did recognize hard work over ass kissing. I wish I could’ve followed her to the UK.

Another thing that irritated me about the statement was that it had the audacity to not only suggest I deprive time from my social life, but that I should work for free. Okay, I’ve had the opportunity to work both in the industrial and academia setting for my field of expertise. After working 6 years in the industrial setting, I made the switch to academia. My current salary in academia (with 7 years of experience, mind you) is what I started out making RIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE. So you can see my lack of interest in putting in unpaid overtime.

That said, I do get a lot more enjoyment out of my current job. It’s interesting, makes me think, and I don’t dread coming here every day like I had started to do at GSK. Proof that you can’t buy happiness.

Either way, I like my job….I don’t love it. I’m here from 8-5. If you expect anything past that then you can blow me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Farewell to Tree Balls

I thought I had blogged about Tree Balls earlier, but I just realized it was in the pictarz blog we had started and ultimately failed to continue updating. The very first time I saw Tree Balls, I was walking with my co-worker and boss to our building. Not yet knowing their sense of humor, I had to contain myself from busting out laughing and saying, "Look y'all, tree balls!"

I would walk past this fella every day, sometimes several times a day, and would always giggle to myself thinking, "Hahaha, that tree has balls."

Sadly, yesterday, my friend Niki and I were greeted by this image:

Farewell, Tree Balls, you've been a real pick me up over the past 9 months and will surely be missed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bogue Inlet Pier

When I woke up this past Saturday morning I was greeted with this image of Bogue Inlet Pier.

Before Irene:

This made me sad and extremely sentimental. Over the past 6 years I have created quite a few memories at this pier and the wonderful beach that surrounds it, Emerald Isle.

It all started in 2005 when I was still a newbie at GSK. I was still making the transition from college life to real-world-I-work-full-time life. I still hadn’t really made any deep connections with any of my co-workers. This is when Kim and Lora came along and invited me to a girls’ weekend at Emerald Isle. Thus started my love affair with this strip of earth and the girls that brought me along.

Fortunately for us, our friend Judi bought a place about 300 yards from the pier, enabling us to hold a girls’ beach weekend every summer for the past 6 years. I can’t even begin to describe the bonds I’ve formed with these girls just sitting and talking on a patch of sand. We’ve walked to the pier for the wonderful slurpies served to get a break from the mid-day sun. We’ve walked past the pier and back to wear off the alcohol at the end of the night. We’ve sat there tearing up, comforting each other after arrests, break-ups, divorces, and other life adventures that just didn’t work out as expected. We’ve laughed hysterically and praised/congratulated each other after promotions, new loves, engagements, and other life adventures that one of us were about to embark upon. We’ve people watched, giving us all a boost in self esteem. I’ve had the best advice given to me sitting right by that pier. It has marked so many changes in all of our lives.

My love affair doesn’t end there. In addition to these girls’ weekends I’ve been down for sisterhood retreats where the house got toilet papered and someone may have threatened to slit our cab driver’s throat if “you bring that fat bastard back here.” This girl is going to be in my wedding, haha. I’ve rung in New Year’s at the E Club with a bff from Colorado. I’ve watched as another friend got married with the ocean in the background.

Ben and I had only been dating a couple of months when he invited me to his dad’s beach house in NC (we were both still up north then). We arrived and I exclaimed, “OMG, my friend Judi has a place about a quarter of a mile from here! We should call her!” So began our history with the pier. We’ve hung out at the end of Bogue Inlet Pier so many times late at night I lose count. Not to mention, on top of this pier is where we held our first serious discussion about getting married. Upon seeing the pictures of Irene’s aftermath all I could say was, “I’m glad we spent some time on the pier while we were there in July.” I hope they decide to rebuild.

These are my girls: